NaNoWriMo 2013


I must be crazy or something for signing up for NaNoWriMo again.

Yes, I did it – in the end the lure was too strong to resist. All my objections died a quick death once I peeked at the website. So many people have signed up for it, I just couldn’t throw in the towel. There are many students, people juggling ridiculous schedules, and hopeful young writers there and the energy is contagious. So, why not do it? It’s a once in a year event. It would be a terrible shame not to participate.

Last year, I started writing with no clear picture in my mind and that resulted in lots of research but little actual writing done. It was productive in a way, just not the one I really needed to win. I know I can write 50,000 words in a month, rusty writing skills notwithstanding. I feel like I’ve learned a lot last year, so I won’t make the same mistakes again – getting stuck on the details and in endless revisions. I know how to pace myself, how to get keep motivation high. No, no more procrastination is my motto.

I’m still nervous. I barely have time enough to post regularly on my blog (my fault entirely for being too lazy to prepare posts in advance) but I will do my best to not neglect it in the face of the big challenge. I find that I must feel some kind of obligation to do well to write faster, so expect semi-regular updates on my NaNoWriMo progress. Well, the widget  in the right column will tell you how I’m doing, I’ll just post something encouraging and positive every chance I get. Expect quotes and pictures like the one below. This will help me to build a good posting schedule too.

Enough of the chatter. I must start writing. If you’re a fellow NaNoWriMo contestant, good luck and may your words come easily! If you’re just an observer, may your patience never fail you; artists are such a difficult tribe. 😀


4 responses to “NaNoWriMo 2013

  1. Congrats & good luck! 😀 What genre are you writing? I was thinking about participating this year, but I really need to write my thesis and well, I’m just too good at avoiding it.. maybe next year. Do you write in English or Slovene? I read your reviews so I know you’re a pro in English language, but I’m afraid to write stories in English because I’m afraid I suck.

    • Thanks! I’ll need all the luck I can get. 😀

      I wrote in Slovene the last year and really sucked at it. Perhaps I’m too used to English by now since I read mostly English books, or perhaps the spell-check option made me write too formally for my taste. So I’ll stick to English this year and hopefully get better results.

      I’m fond of the fantasy genre set in medieval or quasi-medieval time, so I’ll try my hand at this, but I’m also thinking of writing new chapters for my LOTR fan-fiction story (which is basically the same thing – lol).

      I think you should try writing – don’t be afraid. I also had no idea what I was doing, but the more you write the better you get at this and develop a sense for what works and what not. It helps if you read a lot of books; you know how a good stroy should be like. Believe me – everyone is afraid they suck (me included) – but in the end it only counts if you dared to do something. That’s why I’m doing this again.

  2. Ooh, I love fantasy in historical setting:)

    I would rather write in English, too, but I’m afraid of all spelling and grammar mistakes I’d make. I know I should try writing, even if I don’t end up with a masterpiece, I should just write for myself. I have so many ideas that I’m afraid to put to paper.

  3. I’m totally already behind on NaNoWriMo – I know, I caved too. I saw everyone on it, and I was like – eh, why not another year. Fourth time’s the charm, right? Ha. November is my downfall month. But who knows? *fingers crossed* You’ll make it!

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